Sambata>>> Sondaj despre impactul retelelor sociale asupra industriei muzicale

Gerd Leonhard – autorul cartii “The Future of Music” – publica un sondaj realizat in UK referitor la impactul retelelor sociale (Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, Netlog, etc) asupra industriei muzicale. El citeaza la randul lui de pe blogul lui Olswang:

Olswang: “Social networks are changing the accessibility of music, helping it to become more democratic and utilitarian and this, according to the 2007 Digital Music Survey released today by music and entertainment research specialists, Entertainment Media Research and law firm Olswang, is having a profound impact upon the discovery and purchase of music, with far-reaching implications for the music business”

Gerd comments: you can say that again. Streaming full-length music tracks (selectable by the USER without any restrictions whatsoever) is now becoming the default on social networks and blogs. Basically – and I said this 2 years ago – THIS IS THE NEW RADIO – and it should be licensed like radio (albeit for a much higher share of revenues).

Olswang: “The Impact of Social Networks on Music Discovery & Purchase The Digital Music Survey is currently in its fourth year and is an independent survey of 1,700 UK consumers. The research indicates massive increases over the last 12 months in usage of sites containing music such as YouTube (up 310% to 53%) and MySpace (up 57% to 55%). Amongst teenagers the incidence is huge – 77% have used MySpace and 69%, YouTube. For users of these social networks, music is playing an increasingly important role. For example, 39% of social network users have embedded music in their personal profiles (65% of teenagers). Approximately 70% do so to show off their taste and half do so to reflect their personality. What’s more, it seems to work as almost 60% agreed that they could tell a lot about a person from the music in their profile.”

Citeste intreg articolul aici!

Asadar ceea ce Gerd prezice de doi ani incepe sa se adevereasca: intr-o era a internetului si a accesului aproape imediat si nelimitat la informatie, lupta artistilor isi schimba parametrii.
La inceput era: compune – publica – promoveaza – distribuie – vinde.
Acum, mai ales datorita site-urilor de “social networking”, artistii trebuie sa urmareasca alt drum: compune – fii vizibil – convinge – vinde.

Observi ca 3 dintre actiunile din lant au disparut cu desavarsire? Cine se ocupa cu ele? Casele de discuri… Ele raman fara obiectul muncii pentru ca distributia este gratuita si imediata pe internet, promovarea si publicarea se face chiar de catre fan/cumparator.

Acum accentul cade pe “Fii vizibil” si “Convinge”. Lucruri care, fie vorba intre noi, au mai mult de-a face cu talentul si inteligenta artistului decat cu banii si relatiile caselor de discuri… Ceea ce face ca muzica de calitate sa fie mai aproape de fanii ei!

Discutia continua…

“Bleed It Out” – Linkin Park

[tags]Hi-Q, Music, Romania, mp3, download, Gerd Leonhard, future[/tags]