Luni>>> Vanzarile de CD-uri scad, industria muzicala creste

Chris Anderson, redactorul sef al revistei Wired si co-autorul “The Long Tail”, spune pe blog-ul

Everything in the music industry is up! (except those plastic discs)
At a speech last week I was asked a question that has come up every day since the Radiohead (and Madonna, NIN, Prince, etc, etc) announcement: What’s going to happen to the music industry?

To which I answered “Which music industry?” You don’t mean just the one that sells CDs, do you? Because it’s a big mistake to equate the major labels and their plastic disc business with the industry as a whole. Indeed, when you stand back and look at all of music, things don’t look so bad at all.

Indeed, it appears that every single part of the music industry except the sale of compact discs is up.
* Concerts and merchandise: UP (+4%)
* Digital tracks: UP (+46%)
* Ringtones: UP (+86% last year, but probably just single-digit percent this year)
* Licensing for commercials, TV shows, movies and videogames: UP (Warner Music saw licensing grow by about $20 million over the past year)
* Even vinyl singles (think DJs): UP (more than doubled in the UK)
* And, if you include the iPod in the music industry, as I’d argue a fair-minded analysis would: UP, UP, UP! (+31% this year)

Only CDs are down (-18%). They’re around 60% of the industry not including the MP3 players, but just around 25% if you do include them.

Asadar lucrurile se schimba iar scandalurile cu pirateria si pierderile industriei muzicale datorate pirateriei se refereau doar la casele de discuri. Care vor disparea in cativa ani, asa cum v-am mai spus!

Defapt, se vor transforma in altceva si nu vor mai monopoliza industria.

Cand si in Romania?

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