Muzica noua>>> “My Humps” Alanis Morissette

Nu, nu e o greseala! Este hit-ul “My Humps” Black Eyed Peas, cantat de Alanis intr-un mod in care sensul versurilor capata o noua conotatie! Alanis rules.

Ce zici?

Later edit: si lui Dan si lui Cristi le place.

Later edit2: Ha ha ha! Tuturor le place! Pe YouTube sunt deja peste 3,5 milioane de vizionari si lumea se intreaba cum de Alanis nu spune nimic, nu promoveaza clipul, nu merge in presa main-stream. A vrut sa-l faca in gluma sau este noul single lansat oficial?

Latsetz spune pe blog-ul lui:
In other words, we no longer live in a top-down society. The mainstream comes to the party last, after the public has delineated what’s important.

Si apoi concluzioneaza:
“If she’s smart, Alanis will never tell us what went on here, what she was thinking, what she was intending. Kind of like Bob Dylan wouldn’t explain his songs. Oh, maybe months down the line, a year. But now, she’s suddenly got momentum. The doors are open to her. The public is primed for a comeback from someone it had already forgotten. There are already parody videos, and radio airplay…”

“My Humps” – Alanis Morissette.