Marti>>> Partidul Liberal Norvegian si copyright-ul

Partidul Liberal Norvegian, cel mai mare partid din Norvegia, va propune o lege pro-sharing. Proiectul a fost propus de aripa tanara a partidului.

Iata ce zic ei:
“The Liberal Party of Norway (Venstre) passed a unanimous resolution that advocates legal file sharing. The party wants to legalise sharing of any copyrighted material for non-commercial use. It also proposes a ban on DRM technology, free sampling of other artists’ material, and shortening the life span of copyright. The Liberal Party is the first Norwegian political party, and the first European mainstream political party, to advocate file sharing. The Liberal Party’s youth wing proposed the resolution.”

Am doua observatii:
1. Tinerii sunt primii care trebuie sa schimbe legile in lumea asta, iar tarile nordice sunt cele mai avangardiste cand e vorba de tehnologie (din Europa).
2. Politicienii nostri se cearta si isi fac legi pentru ei, vede cineva diferenta colosala dintre legislativul nostru si cel norvegian? Vedeti?

“Grace Kelly” – Mika

[tags]Hi-Q, Music, Romania, Norvegia, Europe[/tags]
