Vineri>>> Lumea vrea sa plateasca, dar nu orice

Conform unui sondaj realizat in aceasta perioada, utilizatorii de internet vor sa intre in legalitate si sa plateasca muzica pe care o descarca on-line. Dar nu piese cu protectie DRM!

“This view isn’t surprising. Few are those who, in principle, believe that all information (and content) should be “free”; the mainstream viewpoint is still staunchly in the “artists should be compensated” camp. This appreciation for the music business does not surmount all other concerns, however.

The takeaway from the survey is that DRM’s bad reputation is spreading among general music consumers, and there is a growing aversion to purchasing music that comes with DRM. Despite this, the general understanding of the struggle the industry faces with piracy is still somewhat positive among those same consumers. Still, given that file sharing in the UK is at an all-time high, it would appear that the the music industry needs to remove the digital locks on its tunes, and fast. “

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“Money for nothing” – Dire Straits

[tags]Hi-Q, Music, Romania, DRM, mp3, download[/tags].