Luni>>> Muzica pe USB – imediat dupa concert

Idee noua pentru artistii care vor sa vanda CD-uri la concerte: dupa concert fanii cumpara la iesire stick-uri USB cu piesele abia cantate in concert!


Nowadays, USB sticks have surpassed floppy disks and even CDs as the most popular way to physically move data around, plus they have a much higher capacity than they used to, and are more physically robust.

This is an excellent way of making money out of every live recording an artist makes — usually only one live recording is sold on through CDs/DVDs — and I think people would love to have a recording of the gig that they were actually at, rather than buy a recording through a record store of one random concert. The USB keys could be customised with artwork from the current tour, or contain video footage and photos from the show, which in-turn would make them more collectible.Not only does this let artists and promoters monetise their events more effectively, it’s also one in the eye for the commercial bootleggers. If the concert recording is availabe to buy legally then this weakens the appeal and strength of the bootleggers product, an illegal copy, which is probably going to be of poorer quality than the official product.


Aceasta idee a deschis discutii intense pe internet in ultima perioada, articolul fiind pe primele locuri pe

Majoritatea fanilor spun ca este o idee foarte buna, CD-ul este un mediu invechit iar noi toti vrem muzica acum, nu peste 3 luni cand va fi lansat DVD-ul oficial! Altii observa ca metoda este riscanta din punct de vedere tehnic: iti trebuie o inregistrare pretentioasa a concertului pentru ca mix-ul de acolo sa fie bun de ascultat apoi…

Din experienta mea stiu ca practic ai nevoie de un al doilea mixer, cu inginer de sunet separat, care sa mixeze in casti si pe monitoare de studio separate ceea ce se intampla live pe scena. E cu totul altceva ce se aude pe sculele din locatie fata de ce se inregistreaza “pe banda”!

Ce ziceti de ideea asta? Viteza va fi una dintre calitatile necesare artistilor de valoare.

“Petrified” – Fort Minor

[tags]Hi-Q, Music, Romania, MP3, USB, live[/tags]