Sâmbătă>>> Interviu în iModel.ro

Interviu in limba engleza. Nu stiu cat de relevant, dar ma gandeam sa vi-l arat.

Hi-Q is one of the most known and loved Music group from Romania. One of its members, Florin Grozea, has accepted to answer some questions related to fashion and Informatics.

Imodel: You are an Informatics’ fan and you’ve followed all the necessary steps on creating, developing and promoting a site when you made the ones for your band, www.hi-q.ro, and the new one, www.e-ok.ro, dedicated to music. Therefore, as an expert in the area, did imodel.ro make you curious?
Florin: Yes, it did. I’m watching all the starts-up from the Romanian net activities. Unfortunately there aren’t too many. In the last months I’ve studied some social networks as we are going to transform e-Ok.ro into one next year.

Imodel: Describe in a few words the image of the perfect beauty in your opinion.
Florin: Wow! What a question! Are you reffering to the ideal of the feminine beauty? There are things that I don’t find…but if I ever discover this “image” I’ll call you and tell you…

Imodel: Do you prefer thin or fattish women?
Florin: I discovered that I like thin and delicate women.

Imodel: What do you wear in different situations as day by day, meetings, concerts, (TV) shows or special events?
Florin: When I’m on stage I dress a little bit different than in the day by day life, but the differences aren’t too big. The HI-Q music, its attitude and philosophy are related to friendship and to optimism. Me, Nicoleta and Mihai aren’t too different in our real life than we are in our concerts or when we perform our music.

Imodel: What model from the site has drawn your attention ?
Florin: I will hang around more and I will tell you! :-)

Melodia zilei:

[tags]Hi-Q, Music, Romania, web, iModel[/tags]

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