O nouă eră în muzică

Timpurile se schimbă. Oamenii se schimbă. Muzica, privită atât ca artă cât şi ca industrie, ai ghicit: se schimbă.


Online music is a complex and constantly-morphing beast, especially from the perspective of the bands and artists who create it. For small indie bands, that beast can be quite a challenge to wrangle. Without a label and a team of execs whose entire job it is to make sure your stuff is everywhere it should be, dealing with all the intricacies of online music sales is just one (or 20) more thing(s) to do—on top of making sure the proceeds from that last show will pay your rent.

But times, they are a’ changin’, and if the artists who’ve recently shared their digital music industry experiences with us are any indication, indie bands are becoming increasingly savvy at navigating the online music world.

From distribution to promotion to actually making money, indie bands are doing more than just getting by without the major labels—they’re actually thriving.

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