UK: Legea celor 5 lovituri

Spre deosebire de francezi care vor să introducă ’Legea celor 3 lovituri’ prin care ISP-ul să fie obligat să ia măsuri împotriva ’piraților’, englezii (prin vocea unui director al UK Music) măsuri în 5 pași.

UK Music este o asociație a industriei muzicale britanice, incluzând artiști, publisheri, compozitori, manageri.

După publicarea studiului ’Digital Britain’ industria muzicală engleză reacționează:

picture-52UK Music chief executive Feargal Sharkey strikes a similarly cautious note and has posited his own organisation’s measures targeted towards reducing filesharing. These are:

1.Warning notice. The ISP will send a letter to the account holder illegally file sharing copyright material

2.Interactive Notification & Web Redirection. The ISP will redirect the account’s web browser to a website which will require the account holder to identify themselves and their responsibility for the account.

3.Should an ISP receive evidence of illegal filesharing on an account for a third occasion, it will send a notification to the account holder that their internet service will be immediately suspended for 72 hours.

4.Evidence of illegal filesharing on an account on a fourth occasion, the ISP will send a notification to the account holder that their internet service will be immediately suspended for one month.

5.With evidence of illegal filesharing for a fifth occasion, the ISP will suspend the account for a period of two months and that a further two month suspension will be implemented if a further infringement occurs.