Utilizatorii Twitter sunt mai deschisi la plata muzicii pe itnernet

Un sondaj american arată că utilizatorii serviciului Twitter sunt mai deschiși către muzica online.

Sondajul NPD complet este aici.

NPD’s “Music Acquisition Monitor” urmărește comportamentul clientului de muzică atât online cât și offline.

picture-111Twitter users are also much more likely than average net users to be engaged in online music activities:

* 33% listened to music on a social networking site

* 1% listened to online radio compared to 22% among all web users
* 39% watched a music video online (vs 25%)
* 2X more likely to visit MySpace Music and Pandora.

“Twitter has the potential to help foster the discovery of new music, and improve targeted marketing of music to groups of highly-involved and technologically savvy consumers, but it has to be done right,”