Songpier: Orice melodie devine o aplicatie

Aplicațiile de web și mobile au devenit din ce în ce mai populare de când iPhone a lansat App Store. Acum cu iPad și nebunia tabletelor, dar și cu Android Store și BlackBerry App World, ne e foarte clar că internetul se schimbă.

Unii spun chiar că web-ul e mort și că viitorul aparține internetului în altă formă, vezi articolul lui Chris Anderson din Wired – august 2010.

Revenind la oile noastre :-) este un serviciu online care promite că transformă fiecare melodie într-o aplicație.

Serviciul este deocamdată în BETA dar iată un video de prezentare:

The benefits to this approach over delivering a song as an MP3 are plentiful and obvious. For starters, it lets bands know who is listening. When a band sells a song through iTunes, Apple gets that user’s email address but the artist does not (Apple cites privacy as the reason for this). In addition, artists, labels and promoters can use this technique to send out a track for free, counting on resulting album, ticket, and merchandise sales to bring in revenue.

Users can bookmark shortcuts to HTML5 web apps as icons on their smartphones, so they can look and feel just like the apps distributed through official channels like iTunes. And once a user has the icon installed on their phone, they’ll be more likely to return to the song to check for new photos, tour dates, and so on. Of course, nobody in their right mind would litter their smartphone interface with tons of single-song apps. This approach would more likely result in people installing a handful new song apps from their favorite artists, perhaps deleting them over time (after they’ve bought the album, the artist would presumably hope).

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