Dacă scriam eu asta în 2006 când am pornit proiectul eOk.ro spuneaţi că exagerez. Suntem în octombrie 2008 şi UnsprungMedia zice aşa:

You are NOT training an entire generation of music consumers that music should be free. You are declaring to the world that you may try my music prior to buying it. However, you should also be declaring that your music is available for purchase on every digital music store on earth.
“PLEASE BUY AFTER YOU TRY” should be your message.
It is EXTREMELY difficult to run a profitable business when you are relying upon selling $.99 cent downloads that are sold by stores that take a cut of your revenue; irregardless of your size and popularity. MP3 downloads will NOT be the last digital product this industry creates.
If you focus on seizing every bit of download revenue you can obtain, you will be hurting your chances to increase your popularity; which will hurt your chances of selling high-margin digital products when they arrive. Focus on popularity not on selling $.99 cent MP3s.
Citeşte tot articolul aici.
Vezi şi articolele: Muzica gratuită salvează industria muzicală, Nu e vorba de a proteja muzica ci de a câştiga din ea, 25 de site-uri pentru artiştii independenţi.
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