GADGET: Motorola Xoom

I’ve had a Xoom tablet for 10 days now, so I can answer the well-knows question “Why would I need a tablet?”

But, I’ll give you the answer at the end of this article.

First of all, I was impressed by how fast the windows and applications move, there’s practically no difference between tablets and netbooks in terms of performance and graphics. The Android 3.0 operating system was developed especially for tablets and this can be seen, first of all, in how the navigation buttons were put (there are no buttons on the tablet, they’re all on the touchscreen, in the lower left corner and in the right top corner).

HD videos and photos taken with the front camera look amazing in daylight (here is a video from Hard Rock Cafe) and well-lit places (here is a video from the studio), but are not as good in badly-
lit places.

Appications in Android Market way more cheap than those in the Apple Store and you can find a free version of any app you might want. The next phone I’ll buy will be an Android and for future tablets, I will loke for the same operating system.

Xoom is probably the best tablet of the moment (being amon the few with a dual-core processor and Android 3.0) and I recommend it to all those who don’t want to carry their laptop around. I think that this operating system, that was developed by Google and is much easier to personalize than the iPad’s iOS, has a big future in front of it.

I only have two problems with it:

3G – this model only has WiFi and I think this ruins the whole idea of a tablet. Do not
buy a tablet that doesn’t have 3G, it loses its charm.

Price – I think it would have a greater success if it were 80-100 euros cheaper. In terms of
functions and personalization, Xoom is a bit better than the Apple tablet, but if the price
is the same and the buyer isn’t an Andriod fan, the better-known product will be bought.
And it’s not just me who’s saying that, it’s also the Xoom sales in the US.

I will test the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (another Androir 3.0 tablet) and I’ll let you know
which one I prefer. I’m also waiting for Romanian products to adopt the new operating system
and offer prices under 1000 RON because, let me tell you a secret, the actual tablet is not as
important as the operating system.

And this system is developed by Google, these guys rarely make mistakes!

Why should you get a tablet?

Because the laptop has become the new desktop, because it’s
easy to read the news and web feeds from the couch, because 98% of what you do daily on a
computer (blogs, searches, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Messenger) is much easier to do on a
tablet, because Android starts in 2 seconds.

You can buy Motorola Xoom on