Top 10 cei mai creativi oameni din industria muzicală

FastCompany a publicat zilele trecute topul celor mai creativi oameni din muzică.

#1 DeAndre “Soulja Boy Tell’em” Way
, 18 year old rapper/producerpicture-72
#2 Tim Westergren, Chief Strategy Officer & Founder, Pandora
#3 Alexandra Patsavas, Owner, Chop Shop Music Supervision
#4 Gregg Gillis, aka mashup artist Girl Talk
#5 Pharrell Williams, Musician, producer (Neptunes)
#6 A.R. Rahman, Composer “Slumdog Millionaire”
#7 Jimmy Iovine, Chairman, Interscope Geffen A&M Records
#8 Bart Decrem, CEO of Tapulous
#9 Dave Stewart, Musician, record producer and entrepeneuer
#10 Brian Eno, Musician and producer

Citește tot articolul inclusiv meritele fiecăruia din topul de mai sus aici.

Care sunt cei mai creativi oameni din muzica românească?