MIDEM: Trackd App – 8-track recorder digital pentru compus în turneu

Trackd este una dintre soluțiile software din finala concursului MIDEMLAB Startup Competition.

Fondatorul afacerii este Russell Sheffield, un mare iubitor de muzică, crescut într-o familie de profesioniști britanici.

Despre fondatorul Russell Sheffield:

Russell has spent his life immersed in technology and working with smart, creative people. Russell is part nerd, drummer, investor, entrepreneur and spotter of talent.

As a boy, when not hanging around Trident Studios which was founded and run by his Father, he started writing software on an Apple ][, getting his Ham Radio licence as well as shaping his craft as a drummer. Choosing not to pursue a career as a drummer, he spun off into technology and joined Orange before they became Orange. In 1995 he set-up Tableau with his brothers and Father. Tableau was a creative agency built on emerging design technologies and Russell started writing HTML and building Websites. In 1996 Tableau was commissioned by a start-up company called easyJet. The brief was to initially develop their creative campaigns, but he eventually convinced the Founder, Stelios Haji-Ioannou to develop a website. In 1998 the website became Europe’s first transactional website for an airline. By 2001 90% of easyJet’s bookings were made through it.

In 2002 he founded paythru the World’s first banking grade mobile commerce platform. Since 2014 he has been combining his love for music and technology by helping create Trackd.

Trackd este un studio digital portabil.

E de asemenea o aplicație mobilă care te lasă să înregistrezi rapid ideile muzicale pe care le ai, pe un mixer de 8-track-uri cu metronom. Apoi ghidul tău muzical poate fi trimis către colegi de trupă și alți artiști, inclusiv instrumentiști pe care nu îi cunoști, dar au instalată aplicația.

Nu ai nevoie de niciun setup în plus, pur și simplu înregistrezi direct în smartphone.

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